U.S. government sanctions against Fincimex hurt the Cuban people

Family remittances to Cuba have been politicized by the anti-Cuban right wing in the United States. Since September of 2019, the U.S. government has continued to further restrict remittances with more coercive measures

The inclusion of Fincimex on the U.S. State Department’s list of restricted Cuban entities last June, as well as the Treasury Department’s modifications to regulations for the control of Cuban assets announced on Friday, October 23, will prevent remittances to Cuba through U.S. companies with general licenses, directly harming the Cuban people and their relatives in the United States.  

This move, amidst a brutal pandemic, corroborates the U.S. government’s cynicism, opportunism and contempt for the Cuban people.

For more than 20 years, with professionalism and respect, Financiera Cimex S.A. has maintained commercial relations with companies in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world, processing remittances to Cuba. In all these years, the company has never lost a single penny. On the contrary, its services have continued to expand, despite U.S. persecution of Cuba’s financial transactions.  

Family remittances to Cuba have been politicized by the anti-Cuban right wing in the United States. Since September of 2019, the U.S. government has continued to further restrict remittances with more coercive measures.

The recently announced decision is a direct attack on family remittances. Washington spokespersons are lying when they pretend that the restrictions will only affect one specific entity. Fincimex, which is key part of the Cuban financial system, is the entity designated by a sovereign decision of the Cuban government, to guarantee remittances to Cuba from the United States, which will be completely discontinued.

Among the U.S. counterparts of Fincimex is Western Union, an entity whose 407 outlets in Cuba, located across the country, will be closed as a result of the implementation of these brutal measures, which will also hamper the negotiations that, at the request of Fincimex, have been underway for some months now, in preparation for the launching of hard currency bank accounts here.

The U.S. government bears full responsibility for the interruption of remittance services between the two countries.

Most Cuban émigrés in the United States support the existence of stable relations with their families, and the U.S. government is deliberately damaging these relations.

Fincimex reiterates its commitment to the Cuban people and interest in identifying and establishing a safe and orderly process for remittances to Cuba.

Source: Granma