As a consequence of the limitations imposed by Covid 19 and the prolonged blockade of the United States against Cuba, which has become even more intensified in these last three years, Cuba is going through a very complex situation, marked by the shortage of medical supplies in high demand in the area of health. A list of these priority supplies is annexed to this appeal.
These materials are essential to maintain basic, universal and free health services that the population has enjoyed since 1959 and that have improved with the development of biotechnology and the permanent effort of our scientific and health personnel. These have allowed Cuba to vaccinate almost all of its population in record time and the produce 5 vaccine candidates, of which three are already recognised as vaccines today.
For these reasons, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) and the MediCuba Europe Solidarity Network (MCE), have agreed to start a campaign called “CubaPorLaVida” with the purpose of reaching out to persons of good heart, to our friends, and members of solidarity organizations from all over the world, so that they add their voices against the blockade and contribute financial support to alleviate the current deficit situation in which the Cuban health system finds itself today.
To become a participant in this campaign, you can send your financial contribution to MCE who will source and deliver the medical material to Cuba. You can do this individually or in coordination with the solidarity organizations with Cuba in each country.
For Ireland, the coordinating organisation is Cuba Support Group Ireland, who are a board member of MCE and have established secure electronic bank transfer systems which are hardened against inteferance by US sanctions operations. Donations to MCE can be made via the Cuba Support Group Ireland website here: [please add bit.ly URL]
CSGI, ICAP and the Office of Cuba Donations of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), thank you in anticipation for your financial contributions. These will be coordinated by MCE from its headquarters in Switzerland.
An initial contribution of €15,000 has already been made to the “CubaPorLaVida” appeal by MCE. This donation is immediately available to MINSAP for the purchase of urgent medical supplies.
MCE is an organization that MINSAP thank for its 25 years of supportive and selfless generosity towards the Cuban people.
We are sure that together we can move forward and that each contribution to the current “CubaPorLaVida” appeal will be one more expression of the revolutionary principles thatb
“Only love begets wonder” and that
“solidarity is the tenderness of peoples” because, as Che said, despite of the harshness of these times, we will never lose tenderness”