Néstor Kohan: What are the counterinsurgent institutions that operate in the cooptation of intellectuals?

By:  Néstor Kohan

Who are the “beneficiaries” of CIA dollars in Honduras, Central America, and all of Latin America? Among the  foundations and NGOs (linked to the US intelligence of the CIA and other  less renowned espionage agencies in the same country), which for several decades have offered scholarships, study trips, “academic internships”, abundant funding for blogs, pages of Internet, publication of books, brochures and workbooks, research projects, “idea laboratories”, art exhibitions and other classic mechanisms of political-ideological co-optation of student youth and the intellectual field are found in the United States:

Ford Foundation  (Ford Foundation, created in 1936 by the great admirer of Hitler, Henry Ford, author of the book The International Jew), belonging to the company of the same name, directly characterized by Ángel Rama, Roberto Fernández Retamar, Fernando Martínez Heredia, Gregorio Selser and Daniel Hopen as a “CIA front”)

The  Open Society Foundation  ([ Open Society Foundation ], belonging to the finance magnate George Soros, disciple of the converted Marxist and co-founder of neoliberalism Karl Popper)

The  USAID  (United States Agency for International Development [US Agency for International Development]); the NED (National Endowment for Democracy)

The  Carnagie Foundation  ; the FAES (Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies); the Rockefeller Foundation [Rockefeller Foundation, launched since 1913]

The  John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation  [ John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation , founded in 1937, which awards the homonymous scholarships].

The  Fulbright Program  sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State.

These are the most famous. There are many others.

(Taken from the  Política y Poder Magazine)