US remain silent after two months of attack against Cuban embassy

The Cuban ambassador to the United States, José Ramón Cabañas, denounced that the government of the United States has remained silent regarding the attack against the Cuban embassy in Washington two months ago.
The ambassador added that, despite the silence on this issue, the federal entity ‘has had time to walk in circles on the old rhetoric to try to justify the blockade’ imposed by Washington against Cuba almost 60 years ago.

Cuban authorities have repeatedly condemned the silence of the Donald Trump administration about the terrorist attack that took place in the early hours of April 30th, in which the U.S. citizen of Cuban origin Alexander Alazo fired 32 rounds from a rifle at the building of the Cuban embassy.

In a letter sent in late May to the president of the UN General Assembly, Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, Ana Silvia Rodríguez, alternate permanent representative of Cuba to the body, said that this aggression was a direct result of the U.S. government’s hostile policy against Cuba.

The diplomat criticized that the U.S. executive has chosen not to condemn and not to reject this serious terrorist attack. ‘Their complicit silence encourages the execution of similar actions by violent individuals and groups that exist in the United States itself.’

Likewise, she maintained that the act was also related to ‘the permanent instigation of violence by US politicians, including high-ranking officials from the State Department and the US Embassy in Havana; as well as extremist anti-Cuban groups that have made this type of attack their livelihood.’

Criticism of the United States’ silence grew after the Trump administration included Cuba on a unilateral list of countries that do not cooperate with counter-terrorism efforts last May 13th.

Source: Prensa Latina