By Arthur González .
Even if they try to disguise things and make them look different, the truth always comes out and all the lies are discovered. This is the case with the young playwright Yunior García Aguilera, a native of the Cuban province of Holguín, trained in the island’s art schools, who was selected for his hypercritical positions towards the Revolution to attend workshops on political subversion abroad.
This young man was sheltered by the CIA collaborator, Tania Brugueras, a plastic artist who, in the late 1990s, received a scholarship in the United States, based on his ideological positions at the end of the U.S. purposes. Tania was the manager of the sit-in in front of the Ministry of Culture in Havana on November 11, 2020, to show solidarity with the counterrevolutionary elements of San Isidro, shielded by a supposed plastic artist, similar to the one nicknamed “El Sexto”, some years ago. As has been seen on TV, the counterrevolutionary elements in that neighbourhood of Old Havana are supported by the U.S. embassy on the island, a fact that clearly qualifies them as students of those who lead and nurture the political subversion that they have been trying for 60 years. destabilise the socialist system.
Now Yunior, following directions from abroad, is calling for a provocation to the Revolution, next November 20, which “coincidentally” is the birthday of the president of the United States, Joe Biden.
But it turns out that Yunior’s background reveals who is behind his “fervor” for the situation in Cuba, which has nothing to do with the condemnation of the ruthless economic, commercial and financial war imposed by the United States 62 years ago, which pursues the objective of killing the Cuban people through hunger and disease, as recommended by Undersecretary of State Lester Mallory in 1960.
According to published information, the playwright García Aguilera wants to make a play, based on what he learned during the workshops, called “Dialogues on Cuba”, held at the North American University (Saint Louis) located in Madrid, Spain. There he received lessons to organize the so-called “Color Revolutions”, taught by Richard Yuong, one of the specialists on the subject, who is assured is currently an employee of the current head of the CIA.
Another of the teachers that the playwright had were Ruth Diamet and Laura Ledezco, who explained to him the role that the Revolutionary Armed Forces should play during a long-awaited process of regime change on our island.
In terms of political subversion against Cuba, nothing is accidental, nor has it fallen out of the blue, a lot of money is used to recruit and train alleged “opponents” and dress them in various costumes, and in that the playwright Yunior Aguilera has a good experience, But it has not had the majority support of the Cuban people for its Revolution, together with its extensive experience in facing such provocations, so its failure is guaranteed in advance, because as José Martí assured:
“Beautiful revolutions have no need for mercenary soldiers”
source: heraldocubano