
Why Cuban Honey Bees are Thriving
The Matanzas province of Cuba, there’s a penchant for old-fashioned agriculture, which means honey bees can forage and swarm without pesticides affecting their survivability, as they have […]

Over 7.5 million Cubans voted the new Constitution
The National Electoral Commission reported that until five o’clock in the Sunday afternoon over 7.5 million Cubans had gone to the polls, which represents 81.53 […]

American diplomats who supposedly got sick in Cuba? Are you feeling confused?
Have you heard the story of American diplomats who supposedly got sick in Cuba? There has been talk of impossible acoustic weapons, viruses and brain […]

Cuba categorically rejects the threat of activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act
On January 16, 2019, the United States State Department announced the decision to suspend for only 45 days the application of Title III of the […]

How organic agriculture in Cuba saved its population from hunger
Cuba’s example shows that sustainable development isn’t only possible, it’s necessary. This country was forced to abandon its sugar monoculture and has survived thanks to […]

Fidel Castro’s Enduring Enviromental Legacy
“Tomorrow will be too late to do what we should have done a long time ago,” said Fidel. Fidel’s commitment to education and health care […]

We will continue to advance along the path freely chosen by our people
Full text of speech by President Raúl Castro Ruz during the closing session of the National Assembly of People’s Power, July 14 Author: Raúl Castro […]