Lucius Walker loved Cuba for being the beacon for hope.

The founder of Pastors for Peace worked against racism, sexism, transphobia, and conveyed to those around him that Cuba is a beacon for people who desire social justice.

Lucius Walker’s permanent solidarity with Cuba was a symbol of courage, when he defied the U.S. government with his unwavering demand to put an end to the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade against the island and to defend the right of self-determination of the Cuban people to build a sovereign social project.

Born in New Jersey in August 1930, Hh graduated from Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1954, and obtained a master’s degree in Social Work at the University of Wisconsin.

He founded the organization Pastors for Peace with the aim of providing humanitarian aid to people in need. He passed away on September 7, 2010, victim of a heart attack.

His daughter, Gail Walker, on her most recent trip to Havana last July with the 32nd Pastors for Peace caravan, spoke about her father to local journalists, and assured that he loved Cuba because he saw it as an opportunity for those people fighting for a better world.

“When my dad wanted to come here, and put together the caravans, our family helped him because it meant supporting the poor, black, women and vulnerable people.”

She said Lucius worked against racism, sexism, transphobia, and conveyed to those around him that Cuba is a beacon for people who want social justice.

“My dad had a lot of respect and love for Fidel Castro, for his dedication to the just causes of the people of the world, and for the people who struggle to achieve progress for their countries,” said Gail Walker, who felt very emotional when she remembered the first Pastors for Peace caravan organized in 1992, because of the meaning of crossing borders and uniting peoples.

She recounted that her father had five children, of whom she is the youngest, and worked with him directly on all the projects carried out by the Interfaith Foundation for Community Organizing (IFCO/Pastors for Peace).

He always warned that this work would be hard and difficult, because it was about challenging the White House Government, and for that they could receive personal attacks and reprisals, or towards their group, something he has felt.

“On our office phones, we get very ugly messages from people who hate us. Also, the press speaks very badly about us, they use hurtful phrases.

“We understand that our work is more important because we do it from the heart, and with a lot of love. So much so that the number of people who support us has grown, unlike the number of people who reject us..

“More people want to visit, understand and have more relations with Cuba,” said Gail Walker.