The objective of the shipment is “to help this brother people in their fight against the pandemic,” said the scientific research institution in a message on Twitter, although it did not elaborate about when the Cuban-made vaccine was authorized in Syria.
Abdala received the emergency certificate in Cuba in July 2021, after it was confirmed that it met the requirements and parameters demanded in terms of quality, safety and efficacy for this type of procedure.
According to the data obtained from clinical trials, it demonstrated an efficacy in the prevention of symptomatic forms of the disease of 92.28 percent.
Abdala was also licensed by the respective authorities for its administration in Iran, Venezuela, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and recently Mexico.
Syria is fighting the pandemic amid a suffocating blockade and severe sanctions imposed by the Government of the United States and the European Union, which prevent the country from importing the necessary medical equipment and supplies.
Source: Prensa Latina