Fidel, in all dimensions of the Revolution

We can find the Commander in Chief at every step, in every corner and in every social work built with the efforts of a country in Revolution

Fidel Castro

Rooted in the most intimate fiber of the Cuban nation, Fidel continues to accompany us since survival. There is no metaphor in that statement, but rather the absolute certainty that his rebellious spirit survives in the daily life of a country that does not renounce the construction of the social, emancipatory and humanist work that is the Revolution.

The Commander in Chief also lives, especially, in the town. And that is, perhaps, the most beautiful reason that shows that his journey to immortality – undertaken on that heartbreaking November 25, 2016 – appears only as a pretext to miss his physical presence, since his legacy was impregnated in feeling for a long time. of millions of grateful.

For this reason, although he has left for another dimension, Fidel has not ceased to be among us. It is reborn in each battle that the country wages, in each new challenge, in each victory, in each child who learns to read and write the word Homeland, in each gesture of solidarity or altruism…, in the defense of truth and justice. .

In the present there is also talk of the unbreakable leader who never gave in an iota in the face of the threats of the imperial enemy; of the man of science who envisioned the need to emancipate ourselves and with our own efforts; of the statesman with a strategic vision of the future; and the exceptional politician who with humanism, intelligence and perseverance turned a small island in the Caribbean into a world benchmark for struggle and resistance.

Today the strength of Cubans is nourished from that moral heritage to overcome the most complex adversities that lie in wait for us. Examples abound.

It is enough to remember that, when an unprecedented pandemic put all of humanity on edge, our scientists were able to develop sovereign vaccines to effectively combat the terrible disease, inside and outside the Island. There was no doubt that this extraordinary result was the fruit of the efforts of the historic leader to promote the biopharmaceutical industry in the country.

When they wanted to take away our peace of mind with attempted riots that rigged the US government’s interfering interests in our sky, the defense of national sovereignty prevailed in the sentiment of a people committed to its history and with the fidelista conviction of defending values ​​in which it is believed at the price of any sacrifice.

When other nations have needed internationalist help in the face of epidemics, hurricanes, earthquakes and various disaster situations, our doctors from the Henry Reeve International Contingent have been there, raising the name of the Greater Antilles, providing quality service , restoring hope to the most humble and perpetuating, with his actions, the ideas of the Commander.

Its fertile seed, moreover, is spread throughout the entire continent of Latin America and the Caribbean; He is in Africa, in Vietnam and in many other nations, where the crucible of his solidarity vocation still radiates deeply under the principle of sharing what we have and not what we have left over.

A deeply rooted Martí, our “American Quixote”, as his close friend Hugo Chávez baptized him, he did not want monuments in Cuba that would glorify him or streets that would bear his name. And he certainly doesn’t need them in his land. We can find Fidel anywhere and at any time, projected in each social work built with the efforts of a country in Revolution.

We can find it in the dignified peasantry, in the emancipated women, in the most consecrated teachers… and in the sporting and cultural spirit of a nation that faces the tremendous challenge of continuing to defend the profound conviction that there is no power in the world. capable of crushing the force of truth and ideas.

That is why now, when we are called upon to participate, to build, to form an active part of the transformations that Cuba demands in the midst of very difficult economic circumstances, many look for answers in Fidel, the olive-green giant who taught us that in order to sustain our socialist work we have to change everything that must be changed, and challenge powerful dominant forces inside and outside the social and national sphere.

From his revolutionary preaching, supported by the very example of the one who lived by and for the humble, we have also learned that the “Revolution is believing that mountains can be moved”, and that it is possible to turn collective dreams into reality if we do not lack the unity, perseverance and faith in victory.

There is no hurricane, however strong it may be, that breaks the Cubans’ will to recover. That was also taught to us by Fidel. Nor is there any coercive measure of the blockade that daunts our determination to continue working, to continue founding, and to continue resisting, because the maxim that guides us is to fight boldly, intelligently, and realistically.

And although we know that nothing will be easy from now on, since the expansionist and neoliberal policies of the great powers will not stop, Cuba will continue to overcome obstacles under the unwavering principles of the Revolution, which is the same as mentioning the non-negotiable precepts that it instilled in us. Fidel.

Absolved by history, his example commits us, the validity of his work guides us, and his presence of light illuminates us. Because the Commander in Chief lives in all of us, we will not let him die; he is gigantic in those who get up every day to build a better country; and he is consolidated in the beauty that emanates from decorum.

When portraying him in verse, the Argentine Juan Gelman would express: «They will say exactly about Fidel / great conductor, the one who set fire to history etc. / but the people call him the Horse and it is true / Fidel rode Fidel one day / he threw himself headlong into pain, against death…».

And it is that, simply, our historic leader continues to throb in all dimensions of the Revolution.