For the United States, the assault on the National Capitol, on January 6, 2021, was an insurrection with violent acts, carried out by “criminals” classified as “violent extremists.” No media outlet calls them dissidents or political opponents, despite the fact that the motive that led them to the assault was the continued accusation campaign of President Donald Trump, that there was fraud in the presidential elections, a reason that makes it totally an action politics.
However, the U.S. and European press for 6 months have not stopped repeating that the acts of vandalism that occurred in Cuba on July 11 were a “political revolt”, hiding the violent attacks against law enforcement officers, their patrol cars, the looting of shopping centers and even the attempted assault on a police station throwing Molotov cocktails, for which they are now tried and punished.
The anti-Cuban communication crusade aims to victimize pure common criminals, many of them with criminal records, stimulated through social networks through algorithms designed in Miami, actions technically verified and denounced by the Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, with sufficient evidence to crumble that media crusade.
This is how the United States intends to establish a smokescreen on the critical internal situation they suffer, avoiding at all costs to allow an internal political opposition to form, either for the fight against racial discrimination, the regulation of the sale of weapons of fire or by changes in its electoral system so undemocratic, evidenced in the past contest for the presidency of the country, and even in the face of the possible proposal to elaborate a new constitution to replace the current one, which is more than 200 years old.
In the United States, events with obvious political overtones are immediately called criminal acts, as happened with the protests over the murder of George Floyd, where there are still three police officers involved without being tried.
Proof of the legal treatment applied by the U.S. is the trial recently held in Florida against Robert Scott Palmer, described as “agitator”, who on January 6 during the assault on the Capitol attacked the police with a fire extinguisher, a table of wood and a pole, made by now he was sentenced to five years in prison.
For those who smudge entire pages in the newspapers against the Cuban Revolution, you should stop to read what the district judge, Tanya Chutkan, said when passing the sentence:
“Every day we hear reports of undemocratic factions, and of people planning acts of violence. It should be clear to those who attack the forces of public order will be punished. “
The counterrevolutionary small groups and their lawyers who defend them must also be sure that in Cuba there are laws similar to those of the United States and other nations, and those who violate them must pay for their criminal acts, those that now from the North try to disguise themselves as politicians. .
Why does the U.S press not describe the events at the Capitol as acts of political protest, if what they were asking for was a change in the system?
A recent evaluation of that assault, prepared by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the National Capitol police and other law enforcement agencies, recognizes that there was a conspiracy to sow the theory of possible electoral fraud in the citizens, but they do not qualify their promoters as political actors, but as “violent extremists” who instigated to commit acts of violence.
But those who committed violent acts in Cuba, stirred up from abroad, are classified as “political opponents” who wish to change the system, despite the fact that the videos shown on Cuban TV prove the criminal nature of many of the participants, now detained. and courts.
The assault on the Washington Capitol was a political event of international connotation and not criminal as the U.S. want to pretend, since the purpose was to annul the results of the 2020 presidential elections, in which Democrat Joe Biden prevailed over Republican Donald Trump .
In the United States there are more than a hundred incarcerated awaiting trial, they were repressed with violence and the sentences will be heavy, but the Human Rights organizations financed to attack Cuba and the European Parliament do not say a single word, Because he who pays rules the Socialist Revolution and cannot be forgiven for his daring to resist the longest and most brutal war known to mankind, which has lasted 63 years insisting on killing its population through hunger and disease, a people that does not surrender , live and conquer.
José Martí was exactly when he stated:
“The truth continues its march on earth unscathed”
source: HeraldoCubano